MorningStar Miniature Schnauzers


Boo's Pedigree
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This is Stetson. I put the pictures up so you can see his gorgeous coat. This is a correct coat, it is harsh and not soft or thick.  This type of coat does soften with pet grooming and is ideal for show grooming.  I don't strip the hair at this age, but bi-weekly bathing, raking and trimming is a must for a prospective show puppy. Stet's beautiful jacket represents hours of work a starting at 4 weeks old and shows it. People often wonder about the difference in grooming between show or pet, this is it! By not shaving his hair, his coat maintains a course texture and a healthy 'glowing' appearance.

He was not taught to sit, as sitting is a big no-no in the ring. Stetson was taught 'stack' and became much better at it than he was then. He has enormous presence, that 'look' at me stance. This cannot be taught, they are born with it or not, and it is evident in very young puppies. His eyes bore into you, haughty and self assured.  This is an example of true haute, without artifice.  It cannot be mistaken for anything else. Off the table or off the show lead, he was a bouncy, playful puppy with all the normal behaviors that implies, including getting in trouble for chewing shoes.   His one 'wanky' ear did straighten up and he quit chewing shoes, thankfully!   NOT FOR SALE.

Please read this before considering buying a puppy from me, or anyone else. It is a life time commitment, for BOTH of you!

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